Monday, April 28, 2008

Google Docs

I think this is a fabulous idea!! I am currently going to school and I think this would be great if you had to do a project with several people...they could all add
their section. Typically this is difficult to coordinate but with the online collaboration it makes it very easy!!

Also, I can see a committe possibly using this at work. When you need to have a doc reviewed by the committee they could go in and review, leave comments instead of sending it out several times with revisions from several people....

I think it is great!!

Sandbox Surprise!!

Well this is really neat. I think it would be useful at work to share information...possibly for the reference desk for updating the current most requested information so that everyone doesn't have to do the legwork. Technology could also have one for tips and tricks on using software. The OCL system as a whole has an unimaginable knowledge base and the pbwiki could be a place where everyone could add their knowledge and share information.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Library 2.0

I enjoyed reading To more Powerful Ways to Cooperate and To a Temporary Place in Time.......Both articles were very fascinating!! The first article talks about how we can all cooperate to make what we do easier and helps us understand that we all have something valuable to contribute and share with the world. This leads to better understanding of what we do as well as others. It creates a community that could be limitless and not constrained to only local knowledge. I just love the other article first for it's insight as to what libraries are today...not just books but conversations, ideas and people. It truly takes the libraries foundation and expands upon it. The Library 4.0 and concept of mind gyms is so exciting. That is what we are and where we need to be. We can not let the past dictate the future!!

Wiki Wiki

I just love that sounds so like FUN!! OK...this site was another one that place for all your library needs!! We have run across several of these tools that say that so how do you decide which one actually is your one stop shop? That was the first item that i noticed. I guess we have to become much more familiar with these tools and decide which one works best for us. Other than that I think that wiki is a really great thing as long as you have a reliable source. We can share everything and get the information first hand from people who are close to whatever it is we are researching....i think it is fabulous!!

Monday, April 21, 2008


Oh many tools so little time!! Technorati was somewhat overwhelming. Loads of information which I need to take time to surf and become familiar with. I searched for the 2.0 and found many valuable blogs. Just out of curiousity I also searched for the topic of a paper I am working on for school, "media bias" and came up with a lot of info!!! YIPPEE Another source!! Thank you oclwebthings!!


de.lic.ious seems like a great tool for everyone. It appears to be very versatile and user friendly. It seems easy to mold it to what you want it to be or get out of it. I didn't care for San Mateo's use of it...I thought is was too busy and intimidating for the new delicious user. However, I think TCNJ has it organized superbly and the library that used it on it's teen web page was ingenious!! I think it would be very useful for information servies staff....a wonderful way to share information without everyone doing the legwork. Saves time for staff as well as the patron looking for the information!! I have added it as a link on my blog and am looking forward to being more familiar with it!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

World Cat and Net Library

Net Library is helpful if you need to review something at home and you don't have a hardcopy in front of you. I tried searching a fiction book and there were not many at all. I was surprised by this. I was expecting a large availablity of popular fiction titles. It is easy to use. I searched for XP for dummies and was able to browse through it and get information. So I thought that was very helpful especially if I just had a question and the book was not readily available you could look something up right away. :)

World Cat was really different. I had never seen any software like this. I thought it was really neat to be able to see which libraries have materials you are looking for. I was quite surprised to see so many different libraries who had the book I was searching. That was really neat!!


WOW!! That is so amazing!! I had heard of library thing. Some libraries are now using it and I have only heard positive things about it! What a great "THING" to organize what you read, what you want to read, and have your very own book discussion whenever you want! It is really awesome and I am having a lot of fun with it. It is very user friendly also!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


The New technologies to look out for are amazing. I feel it is what we were seeing in movies in the 90's. Pretty soon we will come full circle like Maxwell Smart and start talking into our shoe, reading blogs on our forearms and downloading pictures into our pockets!!!

I think it is all very exciting and can't wait to see what is coming next. But the only problem is the cost of the new technology when it comes out and the availablility to learn how to use it to its full potential. Many times with the new stuff we only touch the surface on what it can actually do.

New Feed Sources

Okay...I took a look at the three site recommended for additional feeds. I loved Topix. It was easy to use...not too busy and I was able to find items that interested me quickly. The other two, Syndic8 and Technorati I felt were too busy. Too much information on the page and it would take a while to find what I needed. Although after I looked them over they do have an enormous amount of info but it will take time to go through it all to pinpoint what you want.

Bloglines and RSS Feeds

WOW! It was a little difficult at first cause my brain could not wrap around the idea of what was happening. But once I understood how bloglines worked it became very easy!! Now I have my 10 feeds on my bloglines and I can see the news at my fingertips!! Now I would like to have them put on my blog account!! I hope that's next!! YIPEE!! This is so much fun!
Did anyone else have any problems in the beginning with the feeds? Did you find it difficult like me?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

These are my library photos! Who's under that hat you say? Carol wore this hat to promote the Flower Fest in TR!! It was a great attention getter and many people asked why she was wearing it! The other 2 are items in our display is American Girl Dolls and the other is Webkins. Posting pictures was a little difficult for me but Carly helped me figure it out!! I am glad that I was able to learn this!

Sudoku Fun!!